(This post contains affiliate links. Read my full disclosure.)
As a new business owner, do you struggle with getting it all done? As a CEO sometimes you may feel as though you SHOULD be able to do it ALL, right? Well, If you are like me, you probably have other responsibilities as well such as being a mom, wife, student, or maybe you are still working full-time at your day job. Regardless of why you are busy it can still be a struggle to figure out this new business you have started. I know in the past I have had that problem. In addition, I find it really difficult to delegate or share what I feel is my responsibility with someone else.
So now that we've identified the problem let me explain why you need to keep reading this blog post. As new entrepreneurs in any industry there will be many tasks that come up that you are not experienced in. As a result of this it will come a time you will need to outsource the task or hire someone who can help you.
What types of task am I speaking of? Well, for starters your logo design. In the past I have purchased a few logos from an online company that provided a bank of generic logos. At first I thought it was a good idea but honestly I did not like the way they turned out. There was no real creativity or personality to it at all. Furthermore, it was not an exclusive design to just my company which meant that someone else had the exact same logo as I did, except with their name on it. So why didn't I hire someone? Well at this time, I honestly did not believe that I could afford it. I received various quotes from graphic designers that ranged from $500-$1000. If you are a new solopreneur many times you do not have the luxury to spend that kind of money on your logo. However, in order to build a business while also creating your brand it is very important to have ownership in your designs and have a unique logo that people will remember and associate only with your business.
This post contains some affiliate links for your convenience (which means if you make a purchase after clicking a link I will earn a small commission which helps keep my blog up and running but it won't cost you a penny more)! Click here to read my full disclosure policy.
So I have a great recommendation that I only learned about in the last year or so. It is FIVERR. Fiverr is an online marketplace that provides you with an array of talented freelancers from almost every background needed to help start, run, or manage all your business needs. It is literally a search engine for thousands of freelance services and I have used them on countless occasions since finding out about it.
Here are two of my most recent logos that I have purchased off of Fiverr:
Fiverr has a variety of categories to choose from, I have only listed a few here:
Logo Design
Business Cards
Social Media Design
Social Media Marketing
Web Analytics
Marketing Strategy
Resumes & Cover Letters
Proofreading & Editing
Business copywriting
Intro & Animated logos
Promotional Videos
Lyric & Music Videos
Voice Over
Mixing & Mastering
Producers & Composers
Word press experts
Website builders
Web Programming
Virtual Assistant
Market Research
Legal Consulting
Relationship advice
Health, Nutrition & Fitness
Online Lessons

Endless services! First, no matter the "gig" I need to hire for, I have always been able to find a seller who can accomplish exactly what I need. So far I have only had great experiences. Most of the time, before you hire the person they will allow you to send them a secure message just to ask them a question about the gig, clarify your needs, and prepare them for what exactly you are expecting them to do.
The prices are phenomenal! They have gigs that range from $5 on up, I have never spent more than $50 for any gig and was completely satisfied. Each seller has a basic price and a premium price which will include a lot more for your money.
Fast Service!You will have the option on most gigs to receive your orders within 24 hours to 3 days. The service is so convenient and if you are trying to meet a short deadline this is the service for you.
Side Hustle Alert! You can also make money with Fiverr! You can become a seller with Fiverr in a matter of minutes. I am just now starting to investigate this as an option. I had no idea that when I started buying services that I could also sell my services as well. How cool is that! So I am so glad I can spread the word about this great money making option. If you are proficient in your craft, check it out to see if you have a skill that falls into any one of the above categories. Please check it out because you may be able to earn an additional income stream pretty quickly.
Trustworthy Buyer/Seller System Fiverr has a great reputation because of the feedback that buyers leave after receiving services. Each Seller is rated and it is based on their reviews. It is a great transparent system which allows you to read & compare other buyer's reviews of that specific seller before you decide to hire them. If you don't like the reviews, then just move on and continue to search for another seller until you find one you are satisfied with. Fiverr has 3 seller ratings that include Top Rated, Level Two, and Level One. Please know the higher the seller level generally coincides with the higher pricing.
No matter your business ventures, Fiverr has something for everyone, whether you need a designer for your website, business cards, or T-shirts.
Let me know in the comments if you have ever used Fiverr for business & how it benefited you. Also, let me know if you learned something about Fiverr that you did not already know. Please don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss out on our future freebies.